Zbasean open-source database for zebrafish inventory


Version 1.0.3 ZeBase_1.0.3.zip

Wizard Installation

  1. Unzip and copy files to webserver
  2. Navigate to the <your domain>/install.php
  3. Update the configuration files
  4. Press next button to create the database

Install window

Configuration Files

site root/config.main.php $config["base_url"] = "";
$config["index_page"] = "index.php";
$config["uri_protocol"] = "AUTO";
$config["email_protocol"] = "sendmail";
$config["mailpath"] = "/usr/bin/sendmail";
$config["smtp_host"] = "";
$config["smtp_user"] = "";
$config["smtp_pass"] = "";
$config["smtp_port"] = "25";
$config["smtp_timeout"] = "5";
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;
site root/config.db.php $config["db"]["hostname"] = "localhost";
$config["db"]["username"] = "";
$config["db"]["password"] = "";
$config["db"]["database"] = "";
$config["db"]["db_debug"] = "TRUE";
$config["db"]["dbdriver"] = "mysql";

System Requirements



Laptop/Desktop – for scanning and label printing in the facility (optional)

Our implementation

User access control

Required Abilities(to install the necessary files)